It’s already been a week at Live-Bio! A week of emotions, excitement, stress, hard work and rainy weather. But we are happy to be here, watching the Aegean in the morning and the lights of Poros town in the evening. And we are getting ready to make this our new home. So here is how this first week went.

We were welcome by a partial eclipse of the sun. Not that it really mattered, one could hardly see the sun anyway. At least the drive there was comfortable!

Partial solar eclipse

They lied to us about the solar eclipse, it was just a thick round-shaped cloud

Our story - getting there

We also picked up a couple more people on the way


We are in good hands. Our perfectionist architect will make sure that our place is ready before 2019 (but with the best possible finishes!) For anyone who just got scared, our Live-Bio guest rooms are ready, we are working on our own apartment.


Can you see the spotlights on our new ceiling?


We can only fit a bed this size


This will be the view from the shower, thankfully nobody can build close-by


Do you think we can build a bridge from our balcony to Poros Island one day?


Ok, it will be really comfy indeed


The builders are paid less for working with this view


Job finished, the place is ready to move in!


We organised a dinner with our Live-Bio guests, Betty and Bill from North Carolina, USA and Edwin and Agustín from New Zealand/Singapore/Spain. 3 bottles of wine and half a litre of tsipouro (strong alcoholic drink made out of grape seeds, similar to grapa) later, nobody noticed that I forgot to add salt to the spinach pie.

Guests - cooking

Tested spanakopita recipe, now with Greek spinach and fylo

Guests - cooking

You have to break a few eggs

Guests - Bill Betty Edwin Agustin

Let’s start with wine before moving on to tsipouro

Guests - Bill Betty

Fourth refill to remove some of the tsipouro effects


After days of unheard of rain and unseasonable cold, we were rewarded by a stunning sunrise on the equinox.

Our story - the views

Great views of Poros island are not always guaranteed (so just have fun with Magda’s sleepers)

Our story - sunrise

I could not think of a better view for an early morning tea

Guests - Bill

If there were awards for life connoisseurs… Goodmorning Bill!


And nature welcomed us with a smile

Nature - Olive trees

The olive trees are fertilised. Barring any extreme weather, we are getting ready for our next harvest

Nature - flowers

Spring feast


It was an intense week and there is lots of work ahead. But besides the hard work and the feeling of being overwhelmed, we are confident that we will enjoy it.