“I’m nobody special. I’m just a housewife. I’m 100% of Poros origin, my mother delivered me with help of a midwife as there was no hospital on Poros at the time, it was in a house. My mother got pregnant again, but unfortunately she lost the child. Then the Nazi...
“I was born in Poros as one of very few children as at the time there was a very small hospital on the island. So I’m proud to say I am of Poros origin! After I finished high school I decided to move to Athens to study. I spent there about 7 years. During...
“My dream as a child was to be a pilot. You see, I was not the best student, I got bored easily. I preferred spending time with my friends, riding a bicycle, playing football and swimming, especially in winter! After I finished high school my father asked if I...